Contact Us

Contact Us

Seatrek is located in Uig, on the west coast of the Isle of Lewis, and operates out of Miavaig Pier in Loch Roag approximately 30 miles from Stornoway. Our location is around a 40 minute drive, passing through wild Hebridean scenery along the way;  the Uig and Harris hills, numerous lochs, rivers and wild moorland, all the components of the diverse Hebridean landscape and the beauty of the seascapes still ahead of you.

Satellite Navigation and Maps

Whether you are coming from Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis, or Tarbert on the Isle of Harris, you can easily get over to Miavaig in Uig, our postcode is HS2 9HE for satellite navigation.

Need more help finding us?

If you have any questions on how to find your way to us, or on travel to the Outer Hebrides for a trip with us, please get in touch, and we will be happy to help you.
Our WhatsApp Chat is available 09:00 – 17:00 Mon-Fri.


Isle of Lewis
HS2 9HE,
Contact us by e-mail or telephone
telephone:   +44 (0)1851 672469